Entries by Maddalena Iesué

Advancing Polar Research: the conclusion of the OCRE CryoSSARinSAM+ Project

We are pleased to announce the conclusion of the CryoSSARinSAM+ project, an initiative funded by the European Commission’s OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) program. Led by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the project set out to produce a single, open-access CryoSat-2 altimetry mission dataset created to become the reference standard for the radar […]

EarthConsole® Wrapped 2024

As we say goodbye to 2024, we at Progressive Systems are reflecting on another year for EarthConsole®, our cloud-based platform supporting the development, testing and hosting of processors provided by the scientific community. From new processors to advancing key research projects, here are the highlights that shaped our journey this year: New processors integrated into […]

Reducing Time Spent on Preparing Earth Observation Data: ARD for ENVISAT MERIS FR now on EarthConsole®

Preparing Earth Observation data for processing can be a time-consuming and complex task, requiring technical expertise or access to an in-house processing infrastructure which may not always be readily available. This is where Analysis Ready Data (ARD) becomes increasingly valuable, above all for non-EO experts. ARD simplifies the process by providing pre-processed, georeferenced and harmonized […]

Coastal and Open Ocean Altimetry Data: How ALES unlocks insights from 1995 to today on EarthConsole®

In the world of satellite altimetry, precision is key. For years, satellites have revolutionized how we measure sea levels, monitor ocean currents, and track environmental changes. But there’s been one tricky area for researchers: coastal regions. Historically, satellite altimeters have struggled to provide reliable data near coastlines. That’s where ALES — the Adaptive Leading Edge […]

EarthConsole® Stories: GPU-powered SAR back-projection fully focused processor for enhanced S6 altimetry data processing

EarthConsole® Stories are experiences about how we helped universities, research centres or service developers to leverage Earth Observation data to extract valuable insights for their research, educational or pre-commercial projects. In the frame of the Sentinel-6 Poseidon-4 Ground Processor Prototype project, a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) back-projection fully focused processor for Sentinel-6 (S6) was developed […]

EarthConsole® Stories: Tracking and predicting changes in river systems with ENVISAT data

EarthConsole® Stories are experiences about how we helped universities, research centres or service developers to leverage Earth Observation data to extract valuable insights for their research, educational or pre-commercial projects. The ESA River Discharge Climate Change Initiative aims to generate long-term climate data records—spanning at least 20 years—of river discharge for selected river basins and […]

Investigating Earth surface displacement with the on-demand P-SBAS service for Sentinel-1

Our planet continually undergoes transformations, with natural and human-induced displacement shaping its surface. Comprehending these changes is paramount across various disciplines, from environmental science to disaster preparedness and response. Fortunately, advancements in satellite technology have provided us with tools to detect and study the Earth’s surface dynamics. In particular, the Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry […]

EGU 2024: training course on the P-SBAS DInSAR web tool for Earth surface deformation

Earth surface deformation due to phenomena like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, land subsidence due to fluid extraction activities or large infrastructure construction, can be effectively investigated using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors. Through the SAR Interferometry (InSAR) technique, two radar images of the Earth’s surface are captured from slightly different angles. By comparing these images, […]

OCRE Project by CENTEC: more than a decade of processed CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 AB data over coastal zones available on ESA Altimetry Virtual Lab

We are pleased to share the conclusion of the European Commission OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) [1] financed project led by CENTEC (Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering) – Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa. With our support here at EarthConsole®, this project aimed at evaluating renewable wave energy resources in the coastal zone, […]