The Altimetry Virtual Lab processing services

Sentinel-3 and CryoSat-2
ALES+ SAR Retracker

Technical University of Munich

ALES+ SAR (Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform retracker, version +, for SAR) is a subwaveform retracker for open ocean and coastal zone SAR altimetry data. It provides the capability to process either official CryoSat-2 L1b products or Sentinel-3 WAT L1b products to produce ALES+ SAR L2 NetCDF products.

Sentinel-3 and CryoSat-2
Fully Focused-SAR for CS-2 and S-3

Aresys s.r.l.

The FF-SAR service processes on line and on demand CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 SAR data, from FBR data products until FF-SAR Level1b products. The service is based on the AREALT-FF1 Processor Prototype that has been developed by Aresys in the frame of ESA contracts for Sentinel-6 and CryoSat.

SAMPY for Cryosat-2

European Space Agency (Cryo-TEMPO project)

Python implementation of the SAMOSA+ retracker developed within the ESA Cryo-TEMPO project enhanced by the ESA altimetry team to append the output of SAMOSA+ retracker to official L2 GOP products.

SARINvatore for CS-2

European Space Agency 

The SARvatore for CryoSat-2 processes on line and on demand CryoSat-2 SAR data, from L1a (FBR) data products until SAR Level-2 geophysical data products. It is based on the SARvatore processor prototype developed in the scope of the EOP-SER Altimetry Team in ESA-ESRIN. The processor has been further upgraded (SARINvatore) to accept in input L1a (FBR) SARIN data products and build SARIN Level-2 geophysical data products as well.

SARvatore for CS-2

European Space Agency 

The SARvatore for CryoSat-2 processes on line and on demand CryoSat-2 SAR data, from L1a (FBR) data products until SAR Level-2 geophysical data products. It is based on the SARvatore processor prototype developed in the scope of the EOP-SER Altimetry Team in ESA-ESRIN. The processor has been further upgraded (SARINvatore) to accept in input L1a (FBR) SARIN data products and build SARIN Level-2 geophysical data products as well.

SARvatore for S3

European Space Agency 

SARvatore for Sentinel-3 is a software processor developed by ESA/ESRIN to experiment with Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry processing exploiting the SAMOSA retracking model and the Delay-Doppler principle. It can be used over open ocean or coastal zone, as well as over more difficult targets such as rivers, lakes, and sea-ice. The toolkit takes in input L1A Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry data products and produces in output  L2 data products in standard NetCDF format.

Sentinel-3 and CryoSat-2

University of Bonn

TUDaBo SAR-RDSAR is a processor developed to experiment with SAR mode data from L1A (FBR) to L2. Reduced SAR, SAR and LRMC data are generated for both CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 missions. For each mode dedicated signal processing options and retrackers are available, which allow the user to experiment with different configurations. All L1B/L2 products for reduced SAR, SAR and LRMC have the same geolocations and time tags allowing a direct comparison without interpolation.