The Heritage Missions Virtual Lab processing services
These processors are integrated into the Heritage Missions Virtual Lab on EarthConsole®, offering either bulk or on-demand processing options depending on the service.
After submitting your request form, we will review it within a few days and forward it to the European Space Agency (ESA) for approval. Once ESA approves your request, you will receive 100 free processing hours to begin using the service you have selected. An additional block of 100 free processing hours may be available, subject to ESA’s approval.
If you require more than 200 processing hours, the ESA Network of Resources offers further access to the services at no cost.
P-SBAS for ENVISAT (beta)
The Parallel Small BAseline Subset (P-SBAS) is an Advanced InSAR technique which implements the SBAS algorithm. It allows the generation of Earth’s surface deformation time series and, more generally, interferometric products.
It emerged as particularly effective to investigate ground displacements both in natural and anthropogenic hazard contexts, such as volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides and human-induced deformation due to mining activities, fluids exploitation, and large infrastructures construction.
• Available for bulk and on-demand processing •
Owner: Marcello Passaro – Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut – Technische Universität München
ALES (Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform retracker) is a subwaveform retracker for open ocean and coastal zone altimetry data. It adopts a simplified version of the Brown-Hayne functional form (which is the functional form for pulse-limited altimetry) as an empirical retracker to track the leading edge of the waveform. A specific sea state bias correction is also computed and shall be used when correcting the estimated range to compute the sea surface height. It provides the capability to process ENVISAT RA-2 SGDR (Sensor Geophysical Data Record) products to produce ALES L2 NetCDF products.
• Available for bulk processing •
ALES for ERS-2
Owner: Marcello Passaro – Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut – Technische Universität München
ALES (Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform retracker) is a subwaveform retracker for open ocean and coastal zone altimetry data. It adopts a simplified version of the Brown-Hayne functional form (which is the functional form for pulse-limited altimetry) as an empirical retracker to track the leading edge of the waveform. A specific sea state bias correction is also computed and shall be used when correcting the estimated range to compute the sea surface height. It provides the capability to process ERS-2 RA SGDR (Sensor Geophysical Data Record) products to produce ALES L2 NetCDF products.
• Available for bulk processing •
Owner: Progressive Systems
The Analysis Ready Data for MERIS FR service is used to produce ARD for large MERIS datasets through an orchestrator based on SNAP graphs and python scripts. The tool is able to automatically download MERIS products from the ESA dissemination service and to output a subset (whose geographical extension is passed as a parameter) collocated per pixel with respect to a master image (raster or re-projected onto a CRS). The produced dataset can be used for AI applications and multi-temporal analysis where each image needs to be georeferenced and comparable at the pixel level.
• Available for bulk processing •