What is I-APP?

I-APP is a service supporting the integration of EO algorithms into the P-PRO infrastructure for enabling bulk or on-demand processing. Given the flexibility of the P-PRO infrastructure, through the I-APP service you can request to integrate any processor, also coming from other platforms such as the ESA Grid Processing on Demand (G-POD).

Key Features

You will just have to provide us with a set of complementary information together with the application: user manual, a working example including test dataset, and results for validation.

You can validate the results before we complete the integration of your application. You will receive test results and confirm if they comply with what you expected.

Integration Typologies

  • Initial
  • Verification of the feasibility and definition of type of integration
  • Timing**
    1 week max.
  • Standard
    P-PRO Integration
  • Initial Assessment and up to 5 minor* updates included
  • Timing**
    3 weeks max.
  • Complex
    P-PRO Integration
  • Initial Assessment and up to 5 minor* updates included
  • Timing**
    5 weeks max.
  • Ad-hoc integration
    (e.g. other platforms)
  • Estimated on a
    case by case basis
  • Timing**

* Requested updates will be classified as minor or major depending on the required effort. Major updates will be quoted separately.

** The time ranges here indicated refer to the integration time and do not consider possible delays due to the interaction with the user.

I-APP Resources

Wikis, guides and altimetry customized resources browsable by topic to enable a smooth integration of your algorithm.

I-APP Knowledge Base

How to request I-APP

Step 1 – Fill in the I-APP  request form on the EarthConsole® Webapp
Fill-in the I-APP service request form. In the form you will be requested to specify whether you want to request ESA sponsorship or not. Your selection will imply that you are choosing one of the following options.

Step 2

Option 1 “Sponsorship Request via ESA NoR”
If you have a research, development or pre-commercial project, you may be eligible to submit a sponsoring request via the ESA NoR portal. If the sponsorship request will be approved, this would cover partially or totally the cost of the desired EarthConsole® service. To guide you through the sponsoring submission procedure, we have prepared this Step-by-Step Manual.
If you are not eligible to apply for a sponsorship via the NoR portal or in case of rejection, option n° 2 is always available.

Option 2 “Unsponsored Service Activation”
Following the request of the desired service via the EarthConsole® Webapp, we will send you a quotation of the service for your approval together with the instructions to proceed with the payment.
15% discount is applicable to research, development, pre-commercial and educational projects. Special discounts can be applied in the case of requests for subscription plans. Ad-hoc quotations are available on-demand.

Step 3
For Option 1, in case of acceptance of your NoR Sponsorship request, we will contact you with further details about how to start using EarthConsole® services.

For Option 2, following the receipt of the payment, we will activate the selected service.